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Grateful Customer Thanks Adjudicator for Making Her Day and Saving Her Money!
Mar 18, 2021
True Claims Stories
When Ms. S’s 2014 Chevrolet Impala began to exhibit problems caused by electrical “gremlins,” she brought it to her local shop to have it repaired. Fortunately, back when she bought her vehicle, she also protected it from all sorts of gremlins by purchasing one of our vehicle service contracts.
Although her vehicle was quickly repaired, a little gremlin managed to slip through, and caused a miscommunication when her claim was initially established. Somehow, the labor rate paid to the shop was less than what the contract allowed. Ms. S reviewed her vehicle service contract, called our Claims Center, and asked Claims Adjudicator Stephen W to take a look at her claim.
Sure enough, Stephen discovered that the repair shop had been paid a labor rate of $100 per hour, while Ms. S’s contract allowed up to $125 per hour. At 4.5 labor hours, that amounted to $112.50, which was quickly reimbursed back to Ms. S.
Stephen also provided Ms. S with all of the information she needed to get reimbursed for the rental car expenses she incurred while her vehicle was in the shop. She was so pleased with the outcome of her claim, she placed another call to our Claims Manager, and left a wonderful voicemail message explaining how grateful she was for Stephen’s courtesy and professionalism, and how happy she is to be our customer. It all goes to prove once again, gremlins or no gremlins, “We’re the Best in the Business!”